Elon Musk Reveals Creators Can Download Subscriber Information

profile picture of Waqar Hassan

Waqar Hassan

Elon Musk Reveals Creators Can Download Subscriber Information

Despite the fact that the newly appointed CEO of Twitter has already started, Elon Musk continues to shape Twitter in the way he wants.

He recently appointed the former ad exec from NBC, Linda Yaccarino, to be the CEO of Twitter. She has now taken up the office at the headquarters of the platform’s office.

On the other hand, Elon has taken to the micro-blogging website to inform people of the new features and options that have been or are being released.

These include new actions taken for the portability of data, increased push toward video streaming, and the proposed modifications to the current algorithmic interference.

Where subscriber data is concerned, Elon has revealed that content creators will be granted access to download information related to their Twitter subscribers in no time.

This will mean that creators can then personally contact their subscribers off the platform if they please.

However, people are not happy with this change, since social media platforms have always viewed this as a contentious area. There is no denying that data is viewed as proprietary by said platforms.

In their words, since they are facilitating the connections, they have a right over the data.

On this note, social media platform owners have been reluctant to give clients easy access to download and then re-use contact information off the platform.

But in recent years, this mindset has changed, and there has been a significant shift in the approach to subscriber information.

Experts have speculated that Elon enabling the portability of data like this on the micro-blogging website is going to be a way for it to lure brands and creators.

This is an especially good offer for businesses if they want to stay in touch with their subscribers through the platform and expand outside of it as well.

For example, brands could start offering special deals by enabling subscriber-only tweets. Consequently, these collected emails can be used to build a mailing list for the business to send out its offers.

Moreover, Elon has agreed to ensure that the algorithm of the micro-blogging website does not impede reach in the section of a user’s Following.

However, experts believe that this may not be as easy as the CEO of Tesla thinks. They believe that just his endorsement alone cannot make this happen.

On the other hand, this aligns perfectly with Elon’s campaign for free speech and allows users the option to choose what they want to see.

With this new change, the micro-blogging website’s freedom of reach and freedom of speech approach will cause a decline in the reach of different rule-breaking tweets.

Thus, Twitter will not have to remove them; rather, they will die out automatically. But if they are actioned, the brand’s ad exposure could fall.

Lastly, Elon has decided to make a grander pitch for all gaming streamers. This will mean that all cast-offs from Twitch can come to the platform.

Just recently, the streaming platform imposed a number of new rules regarding paid endorsements and sponsorships, which is causing people to leave.